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Your fortune said you need to make a donation. Give it to the chef.

Bob Hackenson
Today's fortune submitted by:
Bob Hackenson

Shrewsbury, MA, USA

Bob Hackenson delivers motivational talks with magic and illusions through DynamicInfluence since 2004. Addressing audiences in 49 states and worldwide, he captivates listeners from students to professionals. His talks focus on mental barriers, team dynamics, cyber safety, and bullying prevention. Bob's innovative approach to education and corporate training has earned him media recognition, showcasing his widespread impact.

Bob and I met when I was president of the American Marketing Association. He is a remarkable person, full of energy and a joy to work with.

Compliments To The Chef.

Today's Marketing Cookie is bigger than me. All I do is wake up early and write them every day, but there are other people in the kitchen helping me get them ready for you. It's time to send my compliments to the chef and kitchen staff! Without them, the cookies I write every day would never make it to you.

When I first announced the idea on social media, I got a lot of feedback. One comment in particular came from my friend and former client, Will Slotnick, who asked if the Marketing Cookies would provide the lucky numbers or if I would help people "learn to speak Chinese." Wow! I was so focused on the fortunes that I hadn't even thought about the stuff written on the back. That’s how I came up with the "Learn to speak marketing" section. While the Marketing Cookies would likely be more serious and genuine, the "Marketing Speak" section could poke fun at marketing and maybe make people chuckle a little.

One day, a message came in from my friend Katharine Conroy, asking if I would be posting the cookies on Facebook so she could remember to read them. Then it hit me. What if I sent out a weekly recap? Then if people miss any of the cookies, they could get a weekly dose sent directly to their inbox! What a great idea!

We had just about everything ready to go... except for a name for the cookies. I had come up with about a dozen names and they were all stupid. I had come up with names like "My Marketing Fortune" and "Make a Fortune with Marketing"... Really dumb stuff like that, and none of them were working. While chatting with my longtime friend Bill Bowles, he single-handedly came up with the name. "How about Daily Marketing Cookie?" he said. I shook my head saying, "I can't do this every day. What if I miss a day?" So, Bill responded, "How about Today's Marketing Cookie?"


More great ideas like the "Fan Cookies" came from Bob Hackenson, where people have been ordering Chinese food and sending me photos of their fortunes. There's also an idea for a Marketing Cookie smartphone app, a monthly eBook, which are all great ideas that I got from the very talented Professor of Illustration at Mass College of Art, Ric Allendorf. YAY!

As you can see, "Today's Marketing Cookie" is much bigger than me. There are a whole lot of people in the kitchen, cooking up great ideas for the cookies you enjoy every day, and they deserve a hearty "Thank You!"

In the meantime, please remember to send a thank you to the folks in your kitchen.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Bob Hackenson

Unpackaged in: 

Shrewsbury, MA, USA

Cookie Ingredients:


What marketing is really saying:

"Participant award counts"

What marketing says:

"Award winning."

Learn to speak marketing.

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Today's Marketing Cookie


by Myles Bristowe

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