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Your fondest dream will come true within this year.

Jennifer Beech
Today's fortune submitted by:
Jennifer Beech

Alpharetta, GA, USA

Jennifer Beech is the Director of Marketing at LexisNexis Risk Solutions. With over a decade of award-winning marketing expertise, she excels in bridging business challenges across B2B and B2C sectors. Her experience includes brand launches, market entries, acquisitions, and major organizational changes in manufacturing, financial services, technology, and healthcare.

Why I Love The AMA.

Today's Marketing Cookie is about the generosity of great volunteers, and a little message for the wonderful people I was with yesterday.

I had the privilege of representing the International Board of Directors at the Southeastern Regional AMA Leadership Retreat in Atlanta this weekend. To kick off the meeting, our lovely host Ashley Schoenith, President of the Atlanta Chapter, asked each attendee to indicate what they love most about the AMA. As everyone began listing the many benefits of the AMA, I took a moment to recall, as I have so many times before, what I truly love most about the Association.

In my opening remarks, I attempted to point out how volunteers are, by their very nature, incredibly generous and giving people. These are the greatest people on Earth and I like being around them as much as possible. Being involved in a volunteer organization such as the AMA provides an intimate opportunity to experience genuine generosity. Generous people are more than willing to do something for others who will never find out.

This may feel a little like the Oscars when the winner uses their two minutes to acknowledge everyone they've ever met, but I'd like to take a moment to recognize all the generous AMA chapter leaders who attended the retreat this weekend.

Atlanta, GA: Ashley Schoenith, Renee Spurlin, Mary Stenmark, Jennifer Beech, and Michele Miller

Birmingham, AL: David Wilson

Charleston, SC: Tim Marsac and Ted deLoach

Charlotte, NC: Lisa Enders, Christa Newkirk, and Stephanie Newman

Jacksonville, FL: Andre Rand and Lacey Taylor

Nashville, TN: Steve Chandler, Liz Denning, and Katy Ludington

Orlando, FL: Stacey Felzer, Rob Graham, and Dennis Miller

Tampa, FL: Andrew Rappa and Sherri Ulleg

We also had the great and splendid Megan Backes from International Headquarters, who at the mere mention of her name is well deserving of every ounce of applause we gave her. We had Amy Favreau, whom I quite affectionately call "Favorite Amy" from the Professional Chapters Council, and a surprise appearance by Kevin "the Duck" Hohnbaum. Both of whom have given more time, energy, and effort to their local chapters and the Association than could ever be tallied. I think the world of you!

As the agenda of the day progressed, each of the leaders in attendance shared ideas, exchanged knowledge, and renewed their personal commitment to their chapter. They feverishly took notes and made plans for what they hope to accomplish when they get back home with their team.

I would like each of you to know that I admire your commitment, appreciate your generosity, and share your love for the AMA. If your dream for this year was to make an impact, I am quite happy to report, it already is, as today's fortune says, "Your fondest dream will come true within this year."

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Serving Size: 1 Cookie

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Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Jennifer Beech

Unpackaged in: 

Alpharetta, GA, USA

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