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You will soon receive a long-overdue apology.

Tiffany Gravelle
Today's fortune submitted by:
Tiffany Gravelle

Albuquerque, NM, USA

Tiffany Gravelle is an entrepreneurial leader and expert event planner with over 25 years of experience in business development and team management. Known for her positive attitude and strong organizational skills, Tiffany has been a mentor and role model, imparting invaluable business lessons. Her dedication, work ethic and ability to work seamlessly in any team makes her an absolute joy to collaborate with.


You know, sometimes we wait so long for an apology that we start to wonder if it'll ever come. When it finally does, it's like a mix of relief and a bit of ‘well, it’s about time.’ We all have those moments where we've been hurt or wronged, and deep down, we hold onto this hope that one day, the other person will acknowledge what they’ve done, or not done, and finally offer those magic words, "I'm sorry."

But before that day comes, it’s worth thinking about how you will handle yourself in that moment. First, it helps to check in with yourself to see how you feel about the situation. Are you still angry? Hurt? Or maybe you’ve moved on more than you realized? Whatever the case, knowing where you stand makes it easier to handle what comes next. And let’s be honest, apologies don’t always sound the way we expect them to. Sometimes they’re clumsy, half-hearted, or just not as satisfying as we’d imagined. Real life doesn’t always match the version we’ve played out in our heads or might see in a Hallmark channel movie.

Then there’s empathy. It's not easy to admit you’ve messed up, so give them some credit where it’s due. If someone has found the courage to say they’re sorry, it’s a sign they’re trying to make things right. And even if you’re not ready to hug it out, letting that apology be a starting point can be a pretty powerful way to begin healing.

Finally, there's a concept I've come to believe in that I call pre-forgiveness. It’s about choosing to let go long before the apology arrives. Pre-forgiveness doesn’t mean you excuse what happened, but it does mean that you’re not letting it hold you hostage anymore. By finding your own resolution first, you’ll be better prepared to handle the moment with grace when, as today's fortune predicts, "You will soon receive a long-overdue apology."

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Submitted by:

Tiffany Gravelle

Unpackaged in: 

Albuquerque, NM, USA

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