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You will be hungry again in one hour.

Tory Minars
Today's fortune submitted by:
Tory Minars

Gainesville, FL, USA

Tory Minars, a Cloud Engineer at PwC, brings 8 years of full-stack development expertise. Skilled in JavaScript, Angular, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, NodeJS, and SQL, Tory thrives in agile environments, adeptly balancing multiple projects.

Never Satisfied.

Today's Marketing Cookie is about always being hungry for more.

A few years ago, a new client came to us with the goal of getting one million visits to their website per year, which breaks down to roughly 83,000 visits per month. In January, they redesigned their website and gained an initial boost, hitting an all-time high of over 61,000 visits. Unfortunately, they still fell short of their goal by over 20,000 visits per month. In the months that followed, the excitement of having a redesigned website faded, and the total number of monthly visits began to settle back to previous levels.

The client approached us in September, hoping we could help them achieve their goal of 1 million visits per year. We developed a content marketing strategy with a blog as the central hub, and posts that were purposefully written to match high-volume, high-value keywords. In October, November, and December, we primarily matched the selected keywords with each of the company's products and services, providing a 5% to 7% lift in visits each month. We were on our way!

In December, we accidentally stumbled on two keyword phrases that garnered an unusually high volume of traffic. They were keyword phrases that were being searched by users thousands of times per day on Google but had been completely overlooked by the competition. We had hit pay dirt! We generated volumes of content around these newly discovered untapped keywords. We helped our client become a trusted source for valuable information on the topic and drove the majority of the new traffic directly into the sales funnel.

The good news is, the client was thrilled with how quickly we exceeded their arbitrary traffic goals. The great news is, the sales team was also pleased with the quality (and volume) of the new business leads. While we were all still celebrating in the agency about how well we exceeded our goals, the client called and gave us a new goal. I guess that's just how it goes. In marketing, you are only as good as what you've done lately. Other than the lessons learned, yesterday's success doesn't really count toward next quarter's numbers. Even if you hit all your numbers, it truly is as today's fortune says, "You will be hungry again in one hour."

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Tory Minars

Unpackaged in: 

Gainesville, FL, USA

Cookie Ingredients:


What marketing is really saying:

"Kid's popcorn, candy and soda: $158."

What marketing says:

"Kid's discounted movie tickets: $8."

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