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This year your highest priority will be your family.

Jerry Varner
Today's fortune submitted by:
Jerry Varner

Midlothian, VA, USA

Jerry Varner has been dedicated to student ministry since 1995, is currently Pastor to Students & Young Adults at Southside Church, Richmond VA. Married for 29 years, father of 4, national speaker, and blogger. Passionate about guiding youth, investing in leaders, and hunting for the best cheeseburgers.

Jerry is a good friend of mine whom I have not seen in many years. Regardless of geographical distance or time that goes by, he is a once-in-a-lifetime friend, who will always be there for me, and I for him. I hope you have a great friend like Jerry in your life too.

Your Highest Priority.

Today's Marketing Cookie discusses the cost of working beyond your needs—a price your family must pay.

In the earliest days of parenthood, I was juggling three minimum wage jobs to provide for my young family. As months turned into years, I took on greater responsibilities and gained momentum in my career, yet continued to work long hours. I had become so accustomed to pushing and toiling every hour of every day for so long that resting became foreign to me.

Initially, my work was about survival and necessity, and I paid my dues for the benefit of my family. More than a decade later, I was still working the same long hours, and my family was paying the price. I had lost sight of what was most important. No matter how hard I worked, there was never "enough" money, yet time remained tragically limited.

This cycle could have continued indefinitely if not for urging of friends, who mandated I stop working on Saturdays and take meaningful vacations with my family. It was embarrassing to admit that we had never been on a real, unplugged vacation before. They intervened just in time, possibly even saving my family. Without them, I might have missed everything.

Listen, we're all working hard. Some of us do so out of necessity, others because we love our work. That's okay. However, there comes a point where working to provide begins to take away from what's truly important. I couldn't see it until a friend pointed it out to me. What about you? This may or may not resonate with you, but I hope you'll consider the advice in today's fortune, which says, "This year, make your family your highest priority."

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Serving Size: 1 Cookie

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Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Jerry Varner

Unpackaged in: 

Midlothian, VA, USA

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