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There are two ways to shine... You can be the candle or, the mirror that reflects it.

Robert Lee
Today's fortune submitted by:
Robert Lee

Boston, MA, USA

Robert Lee, founder of ShaLaLaLa Productions, is a seasoned video executive producer passionate about pre-production and creating marketing and livestream videos. With over 20 years in direct marketing, he brings unique insights to his work. Robert's projects include a music documentary aired in Massachusetts and award-winning online videos. Known for his inclusive approach, he collaborates with diverse talents and helps clients achieve their video marketing goals.


Today’s Marketing Cookie is about mastering the art of inspiring your team while also recognizing and amplifying their brilliance.

When I was 28 years old, I accepted the role of president at a small web development company with about 30 employees. I knew that leadership meant being the guiding light, a beacon of purpose, and the source of energy that drives progress. My team looked to me for answers and motivation, and I had to provide a clear vision, set the pace, and give direction. This was vital, especially during challenging economic times, when uncertainty can dim the spirits of even the most dedicated team members.

But that’s not it.

It took me a while to understand that being a leader had very little to do with me. There were moments when the most powerful thing I could do was let them shine. Highlighting my team’s achievements not only acknowledged their hard work but also encouraged them to shine even brighter. By stepping back and letting their successes be recognized, I had an opportunity to create an environment of recognition and appreciation. This builds confidence and empowers individuals to take ownership of their contributions, fostering a sense of pride and shared accomplishment.

The truth is, as a leader, you must excel in both roles. Sometimes, you must be the source of inspiration, lighting the way forward for your team. Other times, you should amplify the brilliance of those around you. It's a dynamic responsibility, which requires the wisdom to know when to shine directly and when to let others take the spotlight. When you get it right, you will foster a culture where everyone can thrive and contribute their best.

Striking this balance isn't always easy, but it's essential for sustainable success. A leader who can seamlessly transition between being the candle and the mirror ensures that the team remains motivated and united. Embrace this dual role well, and it will be as today’s fortune says, “There are two ways to shine... You can be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Robert Lee

Unpackaged in: 

Boston, MA, USA

Cookie Ingredients:


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"What was it made with before?"

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"Now made with real cheese."

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