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The pleasure of what we enjoy is lost by wanting more.

Tiffany McEachern
Today's fortune submitted by:
Tiffany McEachern

Tampa, FL, USA

Tiffany McEachern is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Anaconda with a passion for marketing. She has experience at Fortune 500 companies and her articles have appeared on Thrive Global, Elite Daily, and CU Insight. Tiffany holds an MBA from the University of Tampa and a BS in marketing from Florida State University. She is active in community organizations and runs the blog Blazers and Blue Jeans.

Heart Over Hustle.

Today’s Marketing Cookie is a common cautionary tale of how one’s passion can turn into burnout — especially for entrepreneurs.

A young woman had a passion for making cakes. She loved it! Her creations were not only beautifully decorated, but they also tasted heavenly. Friends and family couldn't get enough and were always raving about the cakes she made. "You should start a business!" they urged.

Taking their advice, she rented a little storefront downtown and launched her own cake business. It was an instant hit! Every day, her cakes sold out within hours. So, she got up earlier and earlier to make more cakes. Word spread about her cakes, and orders flooded in faster than she could keep up. Her cake shop was quickly becoming a relentless daily whirlwind of baking, decorating, cleaning and managing.

She hired some bakers to help in the kitchen, started ordering the ingredients in bulk, and handled the endless stream of back-office tasks. Eventually, she was so busy managing the business, that she didn’t bake cakes at all anymore.

The young woman who once loved making cakes found herself dreading the sight of flour and sugar and started to hate the word “cake”. The business had completely devoured her passion, leaving her longing for the simple pleasure of baking just for fun. Her joy was gone, so she closed her shop and never made cakes again.

In our pursuit of success, it's easy to lose sight of what truly brings us joy. The cake baker's story reminds us to pause and consider whether our goals align with our passions. As we chase our dreams, it's crucial to ask yourself: Will this move bring me closer to my passion, or further away from it? Remember, success isn't just about quantity or profit—it's about quality of life and the joy we derive from our endeavors. For her, it was true as today’s fortune says, "The pleasure of what we enjoy is lost by wanting more." 

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Tiffany McEachern

Unpackaged in: 

Tampa, FL, USA

Cookie Ingredients:


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"Kid's popcorn, candy and soda: $158."

What marketing says:

"Kid's discounted movie tickets: $8."

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