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The Master doesn't take sides; same as your spouse.

Jerry Varner
Today's fortune submitted by:
Jerry Varner

Midlothian, VA, USA

Jerry Varner has been dedicated to student ministry since 1995, is currently Pastor to Students & Young Adults at Southside Church, Richmond VA. Married for 29 years, father of 4, national speaker, and blogger. Passionate about guiding youth, investing in leaders, and hunting for the best cheeseburgers.

Jerry is a good friend of mine whom I have not seen in many years. Regardless of geographical distance or time that goes by, he is a once-in-a-lifetime friend, who will always be there for me, and I for him. I hope you have a great friend like Jerry in your life too.

The Master Spouse.

Today’s Marketing Cookie is a reflection on how the ideal blend of thoughtful inquiry, balance, and support can enhance a marriage.

Alright, let's dive into this fortune. First off, let’s look at "The Master doesn't take sides." I saw the capitalization here and immediately wondered if “The Master” was supposed to be the big guy upstairs. You know, the one with the flowing beard and an inclination for dramatic floods? Well, I don’t think so because God’s got that whole judgment day coming up and said that he most definitely will be taking sides. But amidst all that, there’s also the idea of divine guidance and unconditional love and care that transcends our daily struggles.

Socrates seems like a great fit for “The Master” too with his knack for asking questions that get people thinking deeply and finding their own answers. His method encourages self-discovery and understanding without pushing his own views. However, despite his focus on questioning, he was a philosopher after all and was influencing the discussions and probably guiding his pupils to certain conclusions, which means he wasn't entirely neutral.

So, who else could “The Master” be? Maybe it’s someone like Buddha. Now, I’m not an expert on Buddhism, but from what I understand, Buddha is all about finding inner peace and letting go of attachments. He seems to embody a kind of neutrality, helping people find their own way without pushing his own views. Instead of taking sides or getting caught up in arguments, his teachings encourage us to look inward and find our own balance.

Perhaps the perfect spouse is a mix of all three Masters—a harmonious blend of thoughtful inquiry, balance, and unwavering support. They ask insightful questions to help discover their shared truths, guiding each other to deeper self-understanding and appreciating each other’s perspectives. This combination creates a relationship rooted in shared guidance, mutual support, and balanced understanding, perfectly reflecting the essence of today’s fortune, "The Master doesn't take sides; same as your spouse."

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Submitted by:

Jerry Varner

Unpackaged in: 

Midlothian, VA, USA

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