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The best thing about giving is that the reaction is always greater than the action.

Jill Ruiz
Today's fortune submitted by:
Jill Ruiz

Boston, MA, USA

Jill Ruiz, Marketing and Strategy Consultant, excels in brand management, licensing, and strategic partnerships. As a global marketing leader, she builds valuable partnerships and specializes in consumer products, working with companies like Procter & Gamble, Honeywell, and Disney. Known for managing iconic brands, Jill balances strategy and operations, delivering impactful results with a collaborative approach and effective communication.

Impact of a Simple Gift.

Today’s Marketing Cookie is a reminder of the unexpected joy that small, thoughtful actions can bring.

Milton was away from home again on business, missing his family and their cheerful chaos. One day, as he wandered through a small town, a shop window caught his eye. There, sitting proudly among other trinkets, was a toy helicopter kit. Its delicate wooden frame and rubber band mechanism promised hours of joy. Intrigued, Milton stepped inside and chatted with the friendly shop owner, who explained how the toy worked. Enthralled, Milton handed over 50 cents, pocketed the kit, and continued with his trip, his thoughts already drifting to the moment he’d present this little treasure to his boys.

Returning home, Milton could barely contain his excitement. He gathered his sons and revealed the toy helicopter kit. Their eyes lit up as they eagerly assembled it. They took turns winding the rubber band and releasing the helicopter, sending it soaring through the air. The boys were amazed as it didn't just hit the ground but floated around, spinning and fluttering before gently falling to the floor. They laughed and chased after it, their delighted squeals filling the house with joy and excitement.

Just about every afternoon, they played with their toy for hours, testing its limits and watching it twist and turn, but the toy eventually broke. Yet, instead of disappointment, this sparked a new adventure for the boys. They began to experiment with making their own versions of the helicopter, tweaking the design and finding ways to make it fly higher and longer. They learned from each failure and celebrated each small success, driven by an insatiable curiosity. Years later, these two boys, Orville and Wilbur Wright, fueled by the joy and wonder of that simple toy, would change the world with their experiments in flight. 

Milton could not have known the profound impact of his small gift and that it would propel his boys to change the course of history. The joy and wonder he saw in their eyes in that moment was worth far more to him than the 50 cents he spent or even their eventual achievements. Watching their excitement and amazement as they played together, hearing their laughter and delighted squeals, was his greatest reward. For him, today’s fortune rings true, as it says, “The best thing about giving is that the reaction is always greater than the action.”

  • Research Source: The Wright Brothers “The Helicopter

  • Research Source: The Henry Ford “What if

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Jill Ruiz

Unpackaged in: 

Boston, MA, USA

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