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Some men dream of fortunes, others dream of cookies.

Greg Peverill-Conti
Today's fortune submitted by:
Greg Peverill-Conti

Medway, MA, USA

Greg Peverill-Conti: From Alcatraz ranger to Library Land exec, he unites curiosity and creativity. With a passion for libraries and storytelling, he's also a reader, fiddler, and vibrant storyteller, embracing life's colorful narratives.

Eaters and Builders.

Today's Marketing Cookie is about choosing to walk the long road or always trying to find a shortcut.

Ha Ha! On the surface, today's fortune is kind of cute, especially as a message I must write in my fortune cookie project. Well, if you were wondering if I dream about fortune cookies, I don't. It is a fair question considering that I write these cookies as soon as I wake up every day. In fact, I seldom have any dreams in my sleep at all. When I do, it's almost always the same nightmare of being chased in slow motion. (you can read that story if you wish)

If, however, you look beyond the surface of this fortune, there's deeper meaning to be discovered in today's cookie. Behind that clever cuteness, is a profound reminder that we, each of us, can guide the outcome of our dreams based on our perspective.

I have known some folks who have jumped from company to company, for no other reason than the slightest increase in salary. They've discovered that changing companies is a faster way to get a raise than waiting for their performance review. So, they hop around like in the game of "Frogger," leaping their way into the next pay scale. In some cases, they day-trade with their career so rapidly, the ink on their new business cards hasn't dried, and they're already moving on to something else like corporate nomads. They are eaters. They seek immediate, short-term gratification, and only dream of cookies.

On the other hand, I know folks focused on something deeper and more meaningful. They've stayed with the same company for a long time. They are loyal to their employer, their teammates, as well as to their customers. Although they may make more money elsewhere, they've placed a higher value on quality of life, good chemistry, and longevity. There are countless examples of great rewards being finally bestowed upon someone who had the patience and persistence to build something great. They are builders. They have a long-term view, and they dream of fortunes.

While the cookie is sweet, it merely serves as the wrapper for something meaningful inside. Are you a short-term eater, or a long-term builder? Are you always seeking the fast track, or are you willing to walk the road less traveled? For, it is as today's fortune says, "Some men dream of fortunes, others dream of cookies."

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Greg Peverill-Conti

Unpackaged in: 

Medway, MA, USA

Cookie Ingredients:


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"(for qualified buyers)."

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"100% Guaranteed Approval."

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