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Set your goals high and you will always be moving forward.

Jace Nelson
Today's fortune submitted by:
Jace Nelson

St Paul, MN, USA

Jace Nelson, Senior Marketing Manager at Arkray USA, excels in marketing, sales, and communications. A University of St. Thomas graduate with a double major and Mini Masters in Project Management, he's a leader and BSA Eagle Scout, skilled in strategy, client coordination, and presentations.

Change the Carrot.

Today’s Marketing Cookie is about carrot dangling.

An old man is riding in a wooden wagon, reins in hand, as his gray donkey pulls the cart along a dusty dirt road. The cart, filled with fresh vegetables from his garden, creaks with each turn of the wheels. Dangling from a stick in front of the donkey’s nose is a carrot, tempting the donkey to keep moving forward. Hee-haw, hee-haw. The donkey, eyes fixed on the carrot, trots steadily, never quite reaching his reward. The morning sun rises, casting a warm glow across the landscape, highlighting the fields and distant cottages as the pair continues on their journey to the village market.

Donkeys are famously stubborn creatures, known for standing their ground and refusing to budge unless you either make them or entice them with something irresistible. We often find ourselves needing that extra push too, so we dangle carrots in front of ourselves. We do this to keep our eyes on a prize, to motivate ourselves to push past our own reluctance, fear, or fatigue. This self-motivation tactic can be both effective and problematic because, yes, it keeps us moving, but sometimes the carrot we really want isn’t ours to give.

Consider your goal of being promoted to vice president. You’ve spent years driven by this carrot, dangled not only by yourself but also by your boss, who has hinted at the possibility. This has kept you working tirelessly to prove your worth. Just like the donkey, no matter how fast you move, the decision to promote you is up to the big boss, who may have the same carrot dangling in front of your peers. Getting this carrot, while motivating, is ultimately beyond your control. When we tie our motivation and self-worth to goals dependent on external validation, we risk frustration and disappointment. Just as the donkey can never quite reach the carrot, we too can end up in a constant state of striving without ever finding true satisfaction if we chase goals that aren’t entirely within our grasp.

There was a guy in our department who was consistently missing deadlines, falling behind on projects, and struggling to keep up with his responsibilities. After a major slip-up on a project, he was just one misstep away from being fired. Recognizing his potential, my boss asked if I could take him on my team to help turn things around. When we met, he shared that he had worked under eight different bosses in nine years and had never been given a real opportunity to advance or get a promotion. After hearing his story, I suggested that he start actively interviewing outside the company for the role he wanted, and he agreed.

As we worked on his resume together, it was incredible to see his frustration transform into relief, a sense of possibility, and renewed confidence. Within a week or two, people noticed a new pep in his step—he was doing great work and bringing positive energy to meetings. My boss mentioned that his transformation might be the most impressive she had ever witnessed, going from someone who had been so disengaged to someone who was now fully thriving. While exceeding all expectations in his current role, he started getting interviews, turned down a few opportunities, and eventually accepted an offer for the perfect role. His career has since taken off like a rocket.

If you find yourself chasing a goal that's clearly out of your control, it may be time to change the carrot. Reframe success by celebrating progress and achievements you can directly influence and stay open to other opportunities that align with your growth. The new carrot may still be beyond your reach, but by keeping your focus on what truly drives you, it can be as today’s fortune says, “Set your goals high and you will always be moving forward.”

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Jace Nelson

Unpackaged in: 

St Paul, MN, USA

Cookie Ingredients:


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"Not all sizes are skinny."

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"Skinny jeans for all sizes."

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