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Reach out your hand to support others who need you.

James Walker
Today's fortune submitted by:
James Walker

Washington D.C., DC, USA

James Walker, EVP & GM at Weber Shandwick Baltimore, leads innovative communications and digital solutions, driving growth for +17 years. Globally experienced, he shares insights as an adjunct professor and hosts the podcast "One Quick Point."

Making Promises.

Today's Marketing Cookie is about making promises and keeping them.

Many marketing campaigns grossly overstate the features and benefits of their products with a plethora of superlatives and ambitious claims, just to secure a sale. However, when the consumer gets home and opens the product, it often falls short of the marketing's promises, leaving them feeling deceived. Some may argue that the marketing was successful because it led to a sale, but if the product or service is lacking, that failure shouldn't be attributed to marketing. Marketing should not be about deceiving people but should be seen as an opportunity to help them find genuine solutions to their problems.

One of the greatest joys in marketing is when the product or service you're promoting so delights the consumer that they feel compelled to reach out and express their happiness. It's a moment when your messaging has motivated a purchase at the right time, and every promise you've made has been fulfilled. The product or service you helped them discover really alleviated their pain and improved their life.

I have been extremely allergic to poison ivy for as long as I can remember. One summer, after being exposed to poison ivy smoke from a neighbor's brush fire, I was covered in blisters and my face swelled so much I couldn't see. I was bedridden for weeks, relying on various remedies my mother applied with little relief.

The following summer, just as we were preparing for a summer camp visit, I contracted chickenpox and poison ivy simultaneously. The blisters on my feet were so painful I had to use a cane and spent most of my time in our cabin, utterly miserable. My mother sought out every suggested remedy, but nothing worked. It seemed inevitable that I would suffer from poison ivy every summer.

Years later, facing another outbreak, a friend recommended a steroid treatment that had worked for him. After consulting with my doctor, I received a prescription for steroid pills. The treatment was transformative, preventing the blisters from developing and freeing me from the annual agony.

The promise of that medical treatment was accurate, and though I still encounter poison ivy occasionally, I no longer suffer as I used to.

There are moments in marketing where the promise of a new medical treatment, a unique type of chocolate, or a groundbreaking technological innovation can genuinely change lives. There's immense satisfaction in knowing you've contributed to solving significant problems. Yet, even when marketing a common product or standard service, ensuring that the promise meets expectations and delivers customer delight is paramount.

Whether marketing a cure for a disease or something more mundane, the essence of marketing is fulfilling a need. As today's fortune suggests, use your marketing skills to "Reach out your hand to support others who need you."

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

James Walker

Unpackaged in: 

Washington D.C., DC, USA

Cookie Ingredients:


What marketing is really saying:

"If there are only three styles, they aren't custom."

What marketing says:

"Custom cabinets, choose from three styles."

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