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Other days, other ways.

Jacquelyn Berney
Today's fortune submitted by:
Jacquelyn Berney

Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Jacquelyn Berney is the President of VI, specializing in tackling major marketing challenges. With a strong background in brand development and management, she crafts successful communication strategies for diverse industries. Jacquelyn is keen on partnering with companies at local, regional, and national levels for enduring collaborations.

Marketing Plan.

Today's Marketing Cookie is about building a marketing plan that plans for the unexpected.

If on the first day, a marketer already knew exactly which offer would generate an ungodly amount of leads, what messaging would increase sales beyond all belief, and what media buzz would propel the company into the stratosphere, they would probably be some sort of marketing superhero.

What's that!?

Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?

No, it's MARKETING MAN and his little sidekick, "Tiny-URL"!

He makes line charts that always point UP, includes speeding bullets in every PowerPoint, and grows more powerful with localization.

I can picture it now...

Marketing Man and Tiny-URL would hear of a banner that is not being clicked somewhere in Gotham City. Our fearless marketing hero would dash away into a phone booth, come out wearing blue tights and a cape singing, "Here I am to save the day!!". They would swoop in to save the troubled banner with one flex of their muscles, and SHAZAAM!, their advertising campaign would go right back to delivering triple-digit responses. Whew!

Okay, that was really corny. My name is Myles, and I admit it.

The point I am making here, however, is that while you may be a super marketer, you may not always hit every pitch out of the park. Your programs may fall flat once in a while, and you may not hit your numbers every month, so I am recommending that you plan accordingly. Yes, I'm telling you to plan for failure. Give yourself some space to try risky ideas. If you only go forward with what you think you know, you'll force yourself to "play it safe" and give the competition permission, allowance, and a whole lot of white space to innovate their way beyond you.

Don't let "the other guys" do that to you!

Build your plan and budget with enough flexibility so you can zig whenever they zag, make noise during the quiet part of the movie, and try to pass GO and collect two hundred dollars while they're still trying to roll their way out of jail. Give your company permission to stand out when others are still sitting down, and if it doesn't work, try something else. No matter how many times you miss the mark, just brush off the dust and keep pushing forward. Tomorrow will always give you another chance, just as today's fortune says, "Other days, other ways."

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Jacquelyn Berney

Unpackaged in: 

Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Cookie Ingredients:


What marketing is really saying:

"Naturally, Methylcellulose is an ingredient too."

What marketing says:

"All natural ingredients."

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Today's Marketing Cookie


by Myles Bristowe

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