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Only listen to fortune cookie, disregard all other fortune telling units.

Rebecca Mead
Today's fortune submitted by:
Rebecca Mead

Chester, CT, USA

As the founder and director of INQ Creative, a full-service digital marketing firm, Rebecca helps clients integrate their online and offline marketing activities to generate ROI. Working with professional service businesses, associations, and non-profits, we collaborate to help them achieve their marketing and business goals.

I met Rebecca through the AMA. She was a supporter of my cookie project from the very start. I was privileged to spend a weekend with her team, helping to develop their strategic plan — an experience that highlighted her leadership.

Only Listen To Me.

Some of the smartest marketers from around the Greater Hartford area were invited out to a special recruitment dinner for the AMA. During the evening, Rebecca the Hartford Chapter president and her board members wanted to introduce these talented marketers to the AMA and ask them to consider accepting a leadership role in their local chapter.  

As the "guest of honor," it was my pleasure to share the story of what we had accomplished in the Boston Capter and the many benefits I personally received from my participation in the AMA. While I had met Rebecca previously, I hadn't fully recognized her dedication to her role as president until that evening. Her passion and determination are as evident as ever and spoke louder than anything I would say that evening. I left Connecticut feeling inspired and am thrilled to receive today's fortune from Rebecca.  

Perhaps you should "only listen to fortune cookie," as is suggested. When I look at the day's fortune every day, I try to write what I think the message can teach us about marketing. If I feel that I cannot teach us something, I then revert to telling a story, and you are left to your own devices to draw your own conclusions. Either way, these fortunes are quite simply a platform by which I present whatever pops into my head, the value of which is yet to be determined.  

Today's fortune also says to "disregard all other fortune telling units." That's me. This decree clearly suggests that you ought to read your fortune and ignore my early morning ramblings. Does my idea of twisting each fortune into a marketing message mislead or distort the intended meaning of each fortune? Am I offending international fortune cookie law? Is this an offense that should be punishable by indefinite suspension of my literary license?  

In my defense, there's no one better suited to share my opinion and my experience than me, myself and I. You certainly have the prerogative to glean your own meaning from every fortune message you encounter, but these Marketing Cookies are mine. Every fortune in Today's Marketing Cookies has been made my own, just as Rebecca has made the Hartford AMA Chapter her own. While I may have been a guest of honor in Hartford that evening, it was Rebecca's passion that spoke louder than any words I could have said.  

So then, I ask you. What have you made your own?

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Rebecca Mead

Unpackaged in: 

Chester, CT, USA

Cookie Ingredients:


What marketing is really saying:

"Twenty-nine of the items start at $29.99."

What marketing says:

"Thirty items on sale, starting at $12.99."

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