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Magic time is creale when an unconventional person comes to stay.

John Cassidy
Today's fortune submitted by:
John Cassidy

Belleville, WI, USA

John Cassidy, is a versatile and resourceful collaborator with over two decades of diverse experience. As Director of Credit Union System Relations at TruStage, he drives positive impact both personally and professionally. His career spans roles in sales, communications, and marketing, with a strong background in credit unions and development education. John holds a BA in Media Communications from SUNY Brockport and a CUDE certification from the National Credit Union Foundation.

My good friend John will always be admired for his authentic personality and for being the one who introduced me to the charming world of Wisconsin's Spotted Cow Brewery.

When Belief Sparks Magic.

Today's Marketing Cookie is a curious one that made me dive into a bit of linguistic exploration.

This fortune is a funny puzzler. I’d really like to learn more about “magic time”, wouldn’t you? I have some ideas about unconventional house guests who come to stay, but the big question today is: What does “creale” mean? 

So, I Googled it. 

The first thing Google likes to do is correct my spelling. It suggests that the word is supposed to be “create”. I may be a writer, but if you’ve ever seen me at a whiteboard, you’ll quickly observe that I am also a terrible speller. Most of the time, I offer up a quick prayer of gratitude for when Google fixes my spelling. But I want to remain as true to the fortune as possible. 

There wasn’t much on Google for “creale” except for a little shop in Mori, Italy called, “CreAle” where a woman named Alessandra creates charms and jewelry that look like candy and miniature foods. I quickly figured out that her brand is a clever combination of her name and “creare”, Italian for “create”.

Thanks to Perplexity, I then discovered that "créale," with an accent mark over the first "e" is a Spanish word that means to “believe someone”. If you were to use it in a sentence, you might say, “Magic time happens when you créale someone’s unconventional vision or dream.”  Have you believed in someone’s unconventional vision? I am reminded this morning of a vision that caused millions of people to créale.

Anthony Senerchia Jr., diagnosed with ALS, envisioned raising awareness for the disease. His cousin, Chris Kennedy, a pro golfer from Florida, believed in his vision and challenged Anthony’s wife to pour a bucket of ice water over her head. She posted it on Facebook and nominated others to do the same. This simple act set off a chain of events that eventually became one of the most successful viral charity campaigns in social media history.

Pat Quinn and former captain of the Boston College baseball team Pete Frates, both diagnosed with ALS, recognized the potential of the Ice Bucket Challenge. Together, their shared vision transformed into a global phenomenon inspiring millions of people to créale and participate, including notable celebrities such as: Justin Bieber, Kobe Bryant, George W. Bush, Vin Diesel, Jimmy Fallon, Bill Gates, Lady Gaga, Jeff Bezos, Dwayne Johnson, LeBron James, Adam Levine, Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, Chris Pratt, Horatio Sanz, Amy Schumer, Will Smith, Steven Spielberg, Ben Stiller, Martha Stewart, Taylor Swift, Justin Timberlake, Mark Zuckerberg, and many, many more.

In about six weeks, their vision, fueled by the collective efforts of countless believers, generated more than 10 billion video views and raised more than $115 million in  the US and $220 million worldwide for ALS research and support. The "Ice Bucket Challenge," a campaign that began as an unconventional vision to create awareness changed the fight against ALS forever and even gives new meaning to today’s fortune as it says, “Magic time is creale when an unconventional person comes to stay.”

  • Research Source: Google "creale"

  • Research Source: Wikipedia "Ice Bucket Challenge" and associated references

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Submitted by:

John Cassidy

Unpackaged in: 

Belleville, WI, USA

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