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Listen to the wisdom of the old.

Jennifer Moretti
Today's fortune submitted by:
Jennifer Moretti

Dallas, TX, USA

Jennifer Moretti is a pioneering leader, blending insights across brand, category, and consumer domains to propel start-ups and evolving firms. Expert in innovative workflows and research, she excels in driving market, product, and customer experience advancements, influencing top-tier decision-making.

Asking Dad.

Today’s Marketing Cookie is about cherishing and seeking the wisdom of your dad. 

Today is Father’s Day. It’s the one day a year where dads get to avoid to-do lists and claim the remote control as their royal scepter, while the rest of the family tries to figure out what to give the man who already has everything.

Getting advice from my dad was an adventure. As a kid, his wisdom was straightforward: don't stick your fingers in the electrical outlets, respect your elders, and always say please and thank you. During my teenage years, it evolved into a mix of cryptic yet somehow practical advice about life, like doing your best and why it's essential to always have a firm handshake. Every piece of advice came with a side of silly dad jokes and a big grin.

As I reached adulthood, that familiar voice was missing. Over the years, I’ve wondered what advice he might have offered about navigating a career or raising a family. I’ve missed his quirky way of telling a story and how he could turn the most mundane advice into a memorable lesson.

When our children were young, I often attempted to offer my advice or support, but the primary question they asked me was, “Where’s mom?” It’s okay. I asked them the same question quite often too. Now that my children have stepped into adulthood, they're beginning to ask me for life advice.

It's a strange and wonderful feeling to be on this side of the advice conversation. I'm channeling the way I remember it being done, blending practical tips with humor, hoping to impart wisdom while making them smile. Whether it's discussing how to start a business, paying taxes, navigating relationships, or perfecting their BBQ techniques, I aim to be that quirky, comforting source of advice for them — something my dad was unable to be for me.

If you're lucky enough to still have your dad around, take the opportunity to ask for his advice this Father's Day.  Whatever the advice may be, I promise there will be something special about hearing it from him. Rather than another necktie or more BBQ accessories, make seeking his advice your gift this year, and then do just as today’s fortune says, "Listen to the wisdom of the old."

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Submitted by:

Jennifer Moretti

Unpackaged in: 

Dallas, TX, USA

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