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It's tough to be fascinating.

Jennifer Pallis Paquette
Today's fortune submitted by:
Jennifer Pallis Paquette

Littleton, MA, USA

Jennifer and I were next door neighbors and we grew up together. I called her "Jenny". We played in the dirt, caught frogs in the stream, and climbed trees. We raced each other on our bikes and played cops and robbers, hide and seek and swam in her pool. We fought like siblings sometimes, but mostly we were good buddies. Jenny and me, we were like peas and carrots!

Be Fascinating In Business.

Today's Marketing Cookie is about being fascinating.

Oscar Wilde once said, "There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating - people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing." We happen to be in the heat of a nasty name-calling, messy mud-slinging presidential political contest, and the really fascinating political enthusiasts have completely taken over my Facebook timeline. Both sides claim to know everything about what is right for America and both sides are accusing the other of knowing nothing. The truth is, I have friends on both sides of the aisle, and it looks like I'm stuck here in the middle with you for the next several weeks. If you ask me, the left wing and the right wing are both stuck to the same turkey.

Let me just say that I think my friends are already fascinating because of what they do and who they are - not for how much they know about taxes, national debt, and the constitution. I'll be thrilled when this political season is over because then we can all get back to the normal level of complaining about government and name-calling we all enjoyed before this political season began.

Being fascinating is based on who you are and what you do, not what you know... and the same is true in business, actually.

Your prospects and customers will love you for what you do for them, not for what you say. Your customers will choose to do business with you because of who you are, and they will remain loyal to you for how hard you work to deliver on your promises, not because you have a fancier tagline than the "other guys". You will even be admired by your competitors for the bold commitment you've made in creating customer delightedness, and your customers will love you - because being fascinating in business isn't easy.

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Serving Size: 1 Cookie

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Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Jennifer Pallis Paquette

Unpackaged in: 

Littleton, MA, USA

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