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It's time to rekindle an old friendship.

Matthew Roberts
Today's fortune submitted by:
Matthew Roberts

Bound Brook, NJ, USA

Matthew Roberts is the President of the AMA and VP of Marketing and Business Development at Breakthrough Behavior Services. With over 15 years of experience in Life Science, Biotech, and Healthcare marketing, he excels in strategic thinking, brand development, and achieving sales goals. Twice recognized as AMA Marketer of the Year, Matthew is a goal-oriented leader known for creating effective marketing roadmaps and engagement strategies.

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Today’s marketing Cookie Is asking you to imagine yourself after months of relentless job searching, finally receiving that email you’ve been longing and hoping to receive: an offer for your dream job!

Just opening the message brings a rush of excitement, relief and gratitude that completely washes over you. The journey has been a whirlwind of emotions, from the anxiety of interviewing to the joy of each callback. None of this would have been possible without your invaluable network. A former colleague helped fix up your resume, a friend with a LinkedIn connection put in a good word and helped you get an interview, and another served as a glowing reference. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your gratitude for their support is overwhelming, knowing their contributions were pivotal to getting this opportunity.

Your first day on the job is a caffeinated blend of eagerness and nerves. Determined to make a stellar first impression, you arrive early, dressed impeccably, and ready to hit the ground running. The initial weeks are a whirlwind of learning the ropes and getting acclimated to the company culture. As you settle into your role, you find a rhythm in the chaos. The long hours and intense workload are exhausting but also exhilarating and your early successes don’t go unnoticed.

Your fresh ideas during strategy sessions have led to some significant improvements that you are proud of. Although not every initiative is a resounding success, your efforts have generated some good results and your hard work are consistently recognized in your annual reviews. With the hectic pace, back-to-back meetings, deadlines, and reports, you don't even realize that it's already been more than five years since you got the job. Whew!

In the whirlwind of your busy career, you realize there's something you've overlooked: the network that helped you get this job. 

Sure, you thanked them at the time, but have you engaged or kept in touch? When you open your LinkedIn profile, you notice that you haven’t posted much of anything at all. There are dozens of connection requests waiting for you and a pile of unanswered messages in your inbox. Don't let these important relationships fade away. Take a moment this morning to re-engage with your network, share your journey, and offer your support. Just as others were there for you, listen to the wisdom in what today's fortune says, "It's time to rekindle an old friendship."

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Matthew Roberts

Unpackaged in: 

Bound Brook, NJ, USA

Cookie Ingredients:


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