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Great acts of kindness will befall you in the coming months.

Stephanie Checchi
Today's fortune submitted by:
Stephanie Checchi

Boston, MA, USA

Stephanie Checchi is a Senior Partner Marketing Manager at VMware, specializing in Partner Demand Programs. With a proven track record in connecting global IT software companies, she excels in crafting clear messaging and content that align with partners and key personas along the buyer’s journey. Through integrated demand generation programs, Stephanie consistently increases brand awareness, cultivates engagement, and optimizes lead generation to achieve mutual business goals.

Kind of Ready.

Today’s Marketing Cookie is about being prepared for good things to happen. 

Did I say good? The fortune actually highlights the word ”Great”. My mistake. I've never seen a word highlighted in a fortune before. Just the same, that’s not the word that sticks out to me in this fortune. Why the word “Befall”?

Whenever I’ve heard the word, "befall" in a sentence, which is quite nearly never, it is used to describe something unfortunate or unpleasant that has happened. The usage examples that the dictionary provides are, “Should any harm befall me on my trip, you may open this letter.” and “Many natural disasters have befallen that region.” A quick Google search brought up a CNN story about 33 men who were trapped in a collapsed mine saying, “…the miners have no time to dwell on the ordeal that has befallen them.”

So then, what shall we make of a looming act of kindness that is threatening to come your way? It's a curious twist, isn't it? Should we brace ourselves for kindness like we do adversity? Should we mentally prepare for potential good luck, as we do for inevitable mishaps?

I live in Florida. Other than whatever you’ve heard about “Florida man”, or key lime pie, living in Florida mostly means that I am in the path of possible hurricanes. Call me nerdy, but I have assembled a hurricane readiness kit so that at a moment’s notice my family is well prepared for whatever mother nature blows at us. Our hurricane kit includes dozens of rechargeable batteries, lanterns, flashlights, first aid kit, tools, wind up radio, bungie cords of every size, zip ties, duct tape, ponchos… and emergency cookies. I also bought big 5-gallon jugs for water and a generator with enough propane tanks to last 4 days with no power. Come what may, we are ready!

NOTE: Since getting prepared and buying all this stuff a few years ago, we’ve only lost power for a total of about 45 minutes so far. (We ate the emergency cookies.)

So, how do we prepare for an act of kindness? It starts with being open to the idea that good things can happen unexpectedly, just like a sudden storm. We often prepare for the worst but neglect to prepare for the best. What would a kindness readiness kit look like? Perhaps it's an open heart, a willingness to accept help, or simply a mindset that believes in the goodness of people. When we equip ourselves to receive kindness, we become more attuned to the opportunities around us, ready to embrace them fully.

As you navigate your daily life, consider the possibility that something wonderful might be just around the corner, poised to befall you in the best way possible. And when it does, let it be a reminder that life is full of surprises, not all of them unwelcome, just as today’s fortune says, “Great acts of kindness will befall you in the coming months.”

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Stephanie Checchi

Unpackaged in: 

Boston, MA, USA

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