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Enthusiasm is infectious, stimulating, and attractive to others. People will love you for it.

Bob Hackenson
Today's fortune submitted by:
Bob Hackenson

Shrewsbury, MA, USA

Bob Hackenson delivers motivational talks with magic and illusions through DynamicInfluence since 2004. Addressing audiences in 49 states and worldwide, he captivates listeners from students to professionals. His talks focus on mental barriers, team dynamics, cyber safety, and bullying prevention. Bob's innovative approach to education and corporate training has earned him media recognition, showcasing his widespread impact.

Bob and I met when I was president of the American Marketing Association. He is a remarkable person, full of energy and a joy to work with.

Don't Lose Your Enthusiasm.

Today's Marketing Cookie is about enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm may be infectious, stimulating, and attractive to others, but so is success. While enthusiasm can exist without the presence of any success whatsoever, I've learned that success cannot exist without enthusiasm. There is an old saying I have kept which says, "Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved." This proverb has kept me motivated even when my ideas have fallen short, my efforts have missed the mark, or when the work in front of me was overwhelming.

The truth is that while uncommon enthusiasm is attractive and can garner a great volume of cheering, the effort and hard work required to achieve success is somewhat of a repellent. Getting down in the trenches to pull their weight is too risky for most, because of the sheer volume of failures that add up to success. Everyone loves to see someone who is crazy enough to set out on an impossible mission and try to accomplish something great. The crazier it is, the more cheering there will be. Even when invited, very few will stand up to put their shoulder behind the weight of disappointments, and push the wheels of failure forward until some level of success has first been realized.

If you thought your enthusiasm was attractive, wait until you see what it looks like when success arrives! After the dust has settled from all of your toils, there are some who will come to share in your success, who wouldn't help you while you were struggling. You may feel some bitterness about including the latecomers, and rightfully so, but if you are more committed to your cause than to your ego, I encourage you to embrace all who would support your ideals. If you let go, they may carry your success well beyond what you could have ever imagined. In fact, your greatest achievement may be how much success you've shared with others, rather than how much you've earned on your own.

So finally, don't be discouraged when you find yourself facing an impossible challenge with no other companion than your enthusiasm. It's okay. Don't resent others who don't have the capability, capacity, or imagination to see or understand your vision. I promise, that if you are determined to drive forward through enough failures, you will most certainly discover success, and people will love you for it!

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Serving Size: 1 Cookie

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Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Bob Hackenson

Unpackaged in: 

Shrewsbury, MA, USA

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"It's made of only sugar."

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"Kids love it."

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