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Dogs have owners, cats have staff.

Anita Singh
Today's fortune submitted by:
Anita Singh

Boston, MA, USA

Anita is the Senior Manager of Marketing Operations at Go1, with over 15 years of experience. She excels in data-driven strategies that drive leads, optimize conversions, and enhance customer loyalty. Anita has a proven track record in managing operations projects, aligning processes with company goals, and creating engaging content that resonates with target audiences. Her expertise consistently delivers results.

Our Furry Friends.

I’ve heard this saying before, though it was phrased a little differently as, “dogs have a family, and cats have a staff”. And it’s true. I know because we’ve shared our lives with many cats and dogs over the years. My wife worked part-time at a local animal hospital for a while and adopted some of the pets no one else wanted. Our house was always full of life, our hearts full of love, and our furniture full of fur. Honestly though, with all the pets we were adopting, I’m just glad she wasn’t working at the orphanage.

There’s no doubt about it. Cats and dogs are different. Our dogs were always eager to please, full of enthusiasm and absolutely sure that every day was the best day ever. “This is amazing! You’re amazing! Let’s do this forever!” Meanwhile, our cats had their own agenda, quietly plotting world domination while pretending to nap and staring at us like we owed them rent. “You may approach, but don't get too comfortable.”

Dogs are like that friend who gives you a big hug every time they see you, no matter if you’ve been gone for ten seconds or ten days. "I love you! I missed you! Can we hang out forever?" Their tail wags so fast it could power a small fan. Cats are a bit different. They examine you like a jeweler inspecting a diamond for flaws. "I’ll permit you to pet me for exactly five minutes, if I’m in the mood," they purr, then stroll away like royalty who has graced you with their presence.

Cats approach food like a gourmet critic. They’ll stare at their bowl, then at you, as if to say, “Are you seriously expecting me to eat this? How dare you.” They might circle it a few times, contemplating its worth, then they wander off like they have more important things to do. Dogs, on the other hand, are endlessly hungry. “Is that food? Can I have it? Please, please, please!” They treat every meal like it's their last, devoured in seconds, and then they stare at you with those big eyes like they haven’t eaten in days.

Dogs are happy to curl up at your feet, content to snooze wherever you are. They’ll drift off, dreaming of chasing squirrels, occasionally kicking a leg in their sleep as if they’re still on the hunt. “This is the life,” they sigh. For cats, napping is an art form. They’ll claim the best spot in the house, stretching out luxuriously like they own the place. "I’ve claimed this spot," daring anyone to challenge their authority.

In the end, whether you have a dog that greets you like a long-lost friend every time you walk through the door, or a cat that acts like you’re just the hired help, life is better with them around. Their unique ways may make them seem like they come from different worlds, but together they fill our homes with warmth, love and laughter. They both become members of a family, even if today’s fortune says, “Dogs have owners, cats have staff.”

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Anita Singh

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Boston, MA, USA

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