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Do not step on anyone on the way to the top.

Betsy Gartner Graham
Today's fortune submitted by:
Betsy Gartner Graham

Boston, MA, USA

Betsy Gartner Graham is a strategic marketing professional with over 20 years of experience in global technology, B2B, and services companies. Known for her relentless drive and continual improvement, she creates and executes programs that propel businesses forward. Betsy is a sought-after consultant who is fun to work with and excels in brand building, delivering big results on small budgets. Her ability to align marketing with sales makes her a valuable asset to any team.

Lift as You Climb.

Today’s Marketing Cookie is a reminder to build your success on a foundation of collaboration and respect.

In the pursuit of rapid success, people get caught up in the race and will do nearly anything to get ahead. We've all seen it happen. That guy who takes credit for everyone’s ideas or the manager who throws their team under the bus to save face. Trying to look good, or at least not look bad at any cost may help them climb the ladder quicker, but in reality, it creates a shaky foundation of distrust and isolation. 

When people feel betrayed or undervalued, they’re less likely to offer their support, or may even set traps to sabotage continued progress. A career built on undermining others is like a house of cards—one small shift and the entire structure can collapse. On the other hand, when you try to lift others, you create a network of allies and supporters who are invested in your mutual success, building a stronger, more stable base.

A more positive way to measure your success is not just by the heights you’ve reached but by how many other people you helped to rise along with you. With every step forward you can look for a chance to bring someone else along, creating a ripple effect of progress and achievement. This approach can enrich your own experience and ensures that your personal success is part of something larger. It turns your climb into something inspiring that empowers others and makes every peak a shared victory.

Ultimately, the most rewarding success stories are those earned and built collaboratively. By turning your path to the top into a pathway others can follow, you leave behind a legacy of leadership known for generosity and integrity. This approach takes longer, but will ensure your success is sustainable, rooted in trust and mutual respect. When you lift others as you rise, you capture the true essence of today's fortune as it recommends, "Do not step on anyone on the way to the top."

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Betsy Gartner Graham

Unpackaged in: 

Boston, MA, USA

Cookie Ingredients:


What marketing is really saying:

"Please buy the stuff we bought at other yard sales."

What marketing says:

"Huge yard sale this Saturday."

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