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Believe in yourself; you'll be your own greatest supporter.

Tom Ryan
Today's fortune submitted by:
Tom Ryan

Newton Highlands, Newton, MA, USA

Tom Ryan is a Marketing Consultant with extensive experience in integrated enrollment marketing for online degree programs. Previously at Meteor Learning (now Noodle), he worked with clients like Merrimack College and Boston College, driving success in industry-aligned programs. Tom excels in creating solutions that generate exceptional returns for institutions, employers, and working professionals, supporting career progression and closing skill gaps for adult learners.

Your Fan Club.

Today’s Marketing Cookie is about finding the perfect balance between self-promotion and genuine connection, while making sure your biggest supporter is always in your corner.

Believing in yourself is one of those classic motivational mantras, like the ones you see on those cheesy office posters with a soaring eagle or a mountaintop sunrise. The message of "You can do it!" is everywhere. But let’s be real, it's not always that easy. Many of us shrink in the spotlight, downplaying our skills before anyone else can. But believing in yourself isn't about being perfect; it's about having the courage to take that first step, knowing that the people around you already believe in you. And when your confidence falters, they’ll be there to remind you of your strengths. So why not give yourself the same support?

Then there are those who have no problem believing in themselves, perhaps a little too much. Right? They shout their achievements from the rooftops and parade around like a walking press release. But sometimes, all that bravado hides something deeper. It could be a way of shielding their own insecurities, as if they’re trying to convince themselves as much as they’re convincing others. In their own way, they’re trying to be their own greatest supporter, just with a bit of extra flair. Yet even they could benefit from a reality check or validation from friends, reminding them that true confidence may not need to be so loud.

My mother used to say that your greatest strength is also your greatest weakness. If you're the funny, lighthearted one, you might have trouble taking things seriously. If you're highly ambitious, you might struggle to take time to relax. Or if you're super empathetic, you can easily get overwhelmed by the troubles of others. In a similar way, the same energy that makes you your own biggest fan can also turn you into your toughest critic, or vice versa. When you find that balance, that’s where real growth happens—but it doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. Friends who see your strengths and weaknesses clearly can help you stay grounded, giving you the validation you need when you’re doubting yourself.

When you need a boost of confidence, you can come to your own rescue, offering yourself the encouragement you need. And when it’s time for a reality check, your self-awareness can provide that necessary tough love. Of course, your friends will always be there to lend their support and validation when you need it. But the greatest fan club is the one you build within yourself, just as today’s fortune reminds us, “Believe in yourself; you’ll be your own greatest supporter.”

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Tom Ryan

Unpackaged in: 

Newton Highlands, Newton, MA, USA

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