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An unexpected event will soon make your life more exciting.

Jessica Whims
Today's fortune submitted by:
Jessica Whims

Minneapolis, MN, USA

Jessica Whims is the Marketing Director at UnitedHealth Group, where she leads B2B growth and retention through content, digital, and prospecting initiatives. With 15 years at UnitedHealth, Jessica excels in communicating pressing pharmacy news and Optum Rx solutions. Known for her creativity and strategic thinking, she thrives in team-oriented environments. Jessica balances her professional passion with a love for family, friends, and exploring local wineries and restaurants.

Finding Good.

Today’s Marketing Cookie is a reminder to stay open and positive as you navigate whatever may show up.

Something unexpected is on the horizon. It’s like that surprise guest who shows up at your party unannounced, or the plot twist in a movie you didn't see coming. It’s out of the blue, a curveball that shakes up your usual routine and adds a new challenge to your life. It’s not something you planned for or anticipated—it just appears, ready to make an impact. So let me ask, if you’re expecting the unexpected, is it really unexpected anymore?

Being prepared for an unexpected negative event means having a sense of readiness without letting the uncertainty overwhelm you. It’s about creating a sense of security through proactive steps, like having essential supplies and financial resources available, while also keeping your insurance and emergency plans in check. The goal is to build a foundation of stability and flexibility so that when life throws you a curveball, you can handle it with a calm and collected approach. It’s not about anticipating every possible scenario but rather being ready to adapt and respond effectively when the unexpected does come your way.

So now you’re ready! Come what may. Right? Well, when you're protecting yourself from what you fear and building a barricade to keep out the negative, you’re also shutting out the positive surprises that life offers. This is a negative bias, where you're so focused on potential threats that you miss out on recognizing and embracing the good stuff waiting just beyond your defenses.

To open the door for positivity and make the most of new opportunities, you’ll need to shift your mindset. Avoid focusing on what might go wrong; instead, look for the potential in every situation. When you stay positive and optimistic, you’ll often find that more good things start coming your way. It all begins by practicing gratitude. Write down the good things you’re thankful for in your life, and you’ll be amazed at how it can transform your perspective. Even the toughest crises have something good to offer those who embrace them, and that’s the secret.

What seems like a setback can become a setup for something great. Many of the best moments in my life have initially come to me disguised as something negative. It was up to me to find the silver lining. So, balance that risk awareness with some grateful optimism, embrace whatever arrives, and it will be as today’s fortune predicts, “An unexpected event will soon make your life more exciting.”

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Jessica Whims

Unpackaged in: 

Minneapolis, MN, USA

Cookie Ingredients:


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