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A person who trims themselves to suit everybody will soon whittle themselves away.

Elsa Acosta
Today's fortune submitted by:
Elsa Acosta

Valley Cottage, NY, USA

Dr. Elsa Acosta is a retired school psychologist, working with emotionally and behaviorally disabled children for 27 years and a former college professor, celebrated for her profound impact in the field of child development. As a devoted mother and loving grandmother, her personal experiences deeply enriched her professional life, bringing a unique warmth and understanding to her work.

Dr. Acosta is my mother-in-law. She is a remarkable woman whose warmth, wisdom, and generous spirit enriches my life in countless ways.

True to Yourself.

Today’s Marketing Cookie is a reminder of the strength found in embracing one's unique vision and perseverance.

In the fall of 1919, after serving as a Red Cross ambulance driver in France during World War I, Wally returned home to Missouri. He eventually landed a job at the Kansas City Star as a commercial artist, creating advertisements for the newspaper. Despite his dedication and hard work, however, his superiors didn't see the spark of creativity they wanted. 

He was eager to please his boss, so he stayed at his desk, working late into the night, trying to modify his designs to better match the style of other designers. But the editors remained unimpressed. No matter how hard he tried to adjust his art style, he just couldn't seem to win them over.

One fateful day, the stern editor-in-chief called Wally into his office and informed him that his work just wasn't cutting it. "You lack imagination and have no good ideas," he said. And just like that, his job at the Star came to an abrupt end. Though devastated, he refused to let this setback define him.

After a series of failed attempts to keep a job or even start a new business, he just couldn’t find success. So, he packed up his dreams and boarded a train to Hollywood, California. During that long trip, he started doodling and came up with the idea of a little mouse he called Mortimer. It was in Hollywood where his talent, and a little mouse he later named Mickey, finally found the recognition they deserved. That young man, dismissed for lacking imagination, was none other than Walt Disney.

In Hollywood, Walt’s creative spirit flourished as he embraced his unique vision, free from the constraints of others' expectations. His perseverance and dedication to staying true to himself led to the creation of beloved characters and stories that have inspired generations. His journey reminds us that staying true to our individuality is essential for genuine success and fulfillment, just as today’s fortune says, “A person who trims themselves to suit everybody will soon whittle themselves away.”

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Elsa Acosta

Unpackaged in: 

Valley Cottage, NY, USA

Cookie Ingredients:


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"Doctor incented."

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"Doctor recommended."

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