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A new adventure awaits you this weekend.

Dawn Quesnel
Today's fortune submitted by:
Dawn Quesnel

Boston, MA, USA

Dawn Quesnel, award-winning coach and creator of the Job Search BRIDGE Method, accelerates career growth with proven strategies and comprehensive assessments. Certified by CTI, CCI, and IPEC, she's recognized for her impactful coaching in professional and organizational development.

Old Saturdays Are New Again

Today's Marketing Cookie is an invitation to start something new! Start that new eBook. Scratch down some notes for that new tagline, product launch, or tradeshow. Or maybe you should close the laptop, put down the pen, and pick up a hammer so you can build a tree house with the kids. What adventure will you start today?

I have a special new adventure awaiting me this morning!

As you know, I was recently elected to the International Board of Directors for the American Marketing Association. I was under the impression that I would no longer be allowed to serve on the Boston Board of Directors, which was a bittersweet promotion. However, after careful review of our bylaws, our VP of Operations discovered that I can remain involved locally.

Section 2. Composition of the Board of Directors: 

The Board of Directors shall consist of the elective Officers, all elective Vice Presidents and Advisors, and any Chapter member who holds an International office or has been appointed to serve on an International Committee.

Thank you, forefathers!

Rather than winding down my involvement in something I love so dearly, it seems I can have my cake and eat it too. WOW!

As you know, from 2007 to 2010, we met every Saturday morning from 8:30 to 10:29 to work together on AMA business. We did that for 170 consecutive Saturdays. We became a family and accomplished wonderful things. Meeting every week with such terrific marketers is probably the highlight of my entire AMA career. It was an amazing experience.

Today is a Saturday. In about 2 hours, I will attend an all-day planning session with the new leadership of AMA Boston. How awesome is that? I can't wait to see everyone and get started on our new adventure this weekend!

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 Cookie

Percent Daily Value


Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.








Submitted by:

Dawn Quesnel

Unpackaged in: 

Boston, MA, USA

Cookie Ingredients:


What marketing is really saying:

"You might as well buy something while you're here."

What marketing says:

"You must be present to win."

Learn to speak marketing.

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by Myles Bristowe

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