Today's Marketing Cookie
by Myles Bristowe
Every morning, Myles writes a marketing blog inspired by the message hidden inside other people's fortune cookies – no matter what it says.
Balance of Power.
Ability will enable a man to get to the top, but character will keep him from falling.
Share your fortune.
Do you have a good fortune to share?
Snap a photo, upload it, and add some info about yourself so Myles can feature you.
Send your extra fortunes!
Every morning, Myles writes the Marketing Cookies based on the fortunes you've sent him in the order they are received with two exceptions:
1. Fortunes from new cookie fans always jump to the front of the schedule.
2. On Sundays, Myles looks through all the extra fortunes that cookie fans have sent in and he chooses whichever one that inspires him.
Meet Today's Marketing Cookie Fans
Meet the people from all over the world who sent Myles a photo of the message inside their fortune cookies.
Daily Cookie Alerts
Receive Today's Marketing Cookie in your inbox every morning.
Daily Cookie Alerts
Receive Today's Marketing Cookie in your inbox every morning.
Today's Marketing Cookie™ is a trademark of Myles Bristowe. All rights reserved.